Military Spouse Appreciation Day: 3 Reasons We Salute You

Posted on 05.07.2021

Military Spouse Apprection

Read Time: 2 minutes

There’s a tremendous level of courage spouses exhibit as they stand by the men and women who serve our country. They’re caring, bold, and adaptable. They’re selfless, too, making personal sacrifices that most of us can’t fully comprehend.

That’s why, in 1984, President Ronald Reagan established Military Spouse Appreciation Day—because every military spouse deserves recognition for putting others’ needs above their own and regularly enduring prolonged isolation, long-term separation, and the constant upheaval of daily life.

And today, as we reflect on this holiday, we want to honor you.

Here are three of the countless reasons we salute you and everything you do. Because we see you. And we believe you deserve more than you receive.

1. You’re Committed

Let’s be honest. You’re the backbone of the families who support our armed forces, and your commitment to the well-being of your family is astonishing. Every day, you get up, put on a brave face, and work tirelessly to keep your home running smoothly—often with very little to no extra support.

2. You’re Inspiring

Our more than 1,000,000 military spouses are among the most inspirational men and women you’ll ever meet. You face the same challenges specific to civilian life, but you do so with the added pressure of knowing your partner is deployed in a war zone and may not return for a very long time. Daily life can be tiresome and difficult. The fact that you tackle all of life’s challenges with such enthusiasm and positivity helps motivate us to stay strong through our own struggles.

3. You’re Exceptionally Talented

You may spend your days keeping things from falling off the rails, but that doesn’t mean it’s your only gift. We know you have skills. Hopes. Dreams. Yet, due to frequent moves and deployments of your partner, 24% of military spouses are unemployed. And there’s a good chance you’re one of them. Sacrificing your personal ambitions to support the needs of your family should never go unnoticed. But your talents should never be wasted.

Giving Back

Now it’s our turn to give back. We want to recognize, honor, and support our military families—and not just through words but also through meaningful action.

If you’ll trust us to be your partner in the next phase of your life, we can help you take all that ambition and talent and turn it all into a rewarding career that provides the flexibility you need to still meet the expectations that come with military life. We can do this with fully online training that leads to long-term careers that are highly portable—something we know is important for a military spouse who moves around frequently.

Now it’s up to you. You deserve this opportunity, but regardless of the path you choose, you’ve earned the support of our nation every day of the year, not just today.

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